CNN asked a very real pastor, one who thinks killing babies in the womb is part of true Christianity, his theological take on "Transgender Day of Visibility"
Notice the chyron down there?
Translation: "If you opposed celebrating men dressed as women on Easter, you're a Christian nationalist (AKA Literally Hitler).
Dana Bash: The House Speaker (Mike Johnson) called Biden's announcement "abhorrent" and said he betrayed the central tenant of Easter. What do you say to that?
Warnock: Well, apparently, um, the speaker finds trans people abhorrent. I think he ought to think about that.
Before Warnock even explains his position, he decides to completely change what Speaker Mike Johnson said? Dude.
Johnson didn't call trans people abhorrent - he called Biden's proclamation on top of Easter abhorrent.
This is just one more instance of folks who do not know how to lead us trying to divide us. And this is the opposite of the Christian faith. Jesus centered the marginalized, he centered the poor, and at a moment like this we need voices, particularly voices of faith, who would use our faith not as a weapon to beat other people down, but as a bridge to bring all of us together.
This man had a national TV audience on Easter Sunday and his message was to build bridges and "center" the marginalized?
(Warnock is a Marxist who believes in the heresy of liberation theology.)
A real pastor might, I don't know, talk about Easter. They would not put words in their political opponent's mouth (AKA lying) and act like "Transgender Day of Visibility" was some sort of holiday of equal status to Resurrection Sunday.

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