Riots break out after completely justified police shooting
· Sep 14, 2020 ·

Rioters flooded the streets of Lancaster, PA last night after the completely justified police shooting of a criminal who was charging at a police officer with a huge knife.

Cops immediately released the body cam footage.

Here's a picture of the crazed man charging full-speed towards the officer while brandishing the massive knife:

Look at that thing. It's almost as long as his forearm.

Here's the full body cam video:

This criminal, Ricardo Munoz, had already been arrested in 2019 for knifing four other people. Somehow, he wasn't in jail.

What was this cop supposed to do? Surrender to a bit of harmless stabbing from a deranged stab-happy psycho?

Of course, Black Lives Matter logically responded by setting the city of Lancaster PA on fire and smashing up a library.

Smashing up... a library.

A library. See below.

It's quite possible these people have no legitimate complaints and offer no legitimate solutions.

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