Internal docs show Homeland Security considers Trump supporters to be domestic terror threats. Read the details here.
· Jun 21, 2024 ·

I mean, we've tried to tell you, the Deep State is real and it hates you.

Now we've got the solid proof, thanks to America First Legal.

This is the second batch of documents obtained by America First exposing an intelligence group that is part of Biden and Mayorka's Homeland Security. You can read the first report here.

This focuses on a now-defunct DHS group which was run by James Clapper and John Brennan, two Obama holdovers who greatly influence the Biden Administration.

This new report shows that the DHS had a special focus on "domestic terrorists" which we learned could be simplified as "Trump supporters."

Half the country is a potential domestic terror threat and an enemy of the State. This is the mindset behind some of your taxpayer-funded DHS operations!

Never mind that the DHS has allowed and encouraged the largest illegal invasion of our country over the last 4 years. They've got REAL problems to solve:


To simplify this, the DHS believed they could decide whether or not you were a domestic terror threat based on your status in the military!

They assume that if you join the military then you're more likely to be an enemy of the country!

These are the "experts" we're supposed to trust??

More documents are set to be revealed in the near future.

If this isn't a scandal worthy of taking down an administration, what is?

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