Vancouver police refer to male suspect as "she" after arrest for assault on breastfeeding mom
· May 16, 2024 ·

When it looks like a man, walks like a man, and talks like a man - it's a man.

But for whatever DEI-reason, the Vancouver Police Department decided to refer to a male suspect who assaulted a woman who was breastfeeding her baby inside her car as "she" in a press release.

A 32-year-old woman was assaulted in her parked vehicle near Commercial Drive and East 2nd Avenue just after 2 p.m. on May 9 by a person she didn't know. Bystanders and witnesses intervened and held the person until VPD officers arrived and took the suspect into custody.

The victim sustained minor injures.

The 26-year-old suspect has been charged with assault. She remains in custody until her next court appearance. The file remains under investigation.

"She" was charged with assault, but as Global News admitted, a video of the incident shows a shirtless, shoeless 26-year-old Nathaniel Francis Beekmeyer.

Nevertheless, Global continued to refer to this dude as "she," "woman," and even switched to the gender-neutral "they" at one point.

Sgt. Steve Addison reported that the shirtless man attempted to grab the mother and baby boy from the backseat of their car. The woman was accompanied by her husband, and witnesses intervened, holding him down.

The mother, a woman in her 30s from Vancouver, screamed, held onto the baby, and attempted to fight off the (person).

The video showed a crowd surrounding the car, pulling the shirtless man out of the back seat and wrestling with him until police arrived. Luckily, the real woman and victim in this attack is only dealing with minor injuries, and her baby boy was not hurt.

Here's the full pic:

Global also reported that just hours before his attack, he posted several creepy videos of him rambling and "incoherent" on his YouTube channel. Police say he has a history of mental illness (duh) and a criminal past - convicted of theft and breach.

I wish I could call this unbelievable, but it's just the clown world we live in today. 🤡

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