27 Nigerian Christians killed in Muslim terror attack
· Mar 28, 2023 · NottheBee.com

In two separate attacks earlier this month, Fulani herdsmen and other rabble-rousers perpetrated a targeted attack against Nigerian Christians, killing 27 in total.

The Muslim attackers targeted two villages in the same county on the same day, killing 10 in one attack and 17 in another later that day. Dozens more were reportedly wounded during the attacks.

This is just the latest in a spate of violence against Christians in the African nation over the last several months.

"I urge the government to match words with action by arresting the perpetrators since the government knows them and where they are," said Sam Achie, president of the area community development association. "I appeal to Nigeria government to as a matter of urgency deploy more security agents to Zangon Kataf Local Government Area in order to arrest the recurring attacks on innocent Christians whose lives and property are being destroyed for no justifiable reason."

Muslims are religiously persecuting and killing Christians, and the locals say that the Nigerian government simply doesn't care to do anything about it. It's a state of Anarcho-Tyranny where the lawless are protected by the law.

The locals know exactly who carried out the attack and they know that nothing will be done about it by the government.

Area resident Barnabas Tonak said his mother and an in-law with her two children were among those killed.

"Our attackers were Muslim Fulani herdsmen who came along with terrorists to invade our community," Tonak said in a text message to Morning Star News. "In all, 17 Christians were killed during the attack. Five members of my family were among those killed, and another family member was injured. Aside from the killing of our people, these herdsmen have in the past deliberately destroyed our farms and crops."

Pray for our brothers and sisters in Africa whose slaughter is being ignored by their government, afraid to speak out against the Muslim attackers.

Locals say that the national authorities are completely silent on the attacks and no support whatsoever is being given to the communities devastated by the killings.

Nigeria sees more Christians martyred for their faith than any other country in the world with more than 5,000 killed in 2022 alone. And with attacks like this one being regular, the likelihood is that the trend will continue in 2023 unless the Nigerian authorities step in.

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