2.82 million Americans think they'll be flying for the 4th of July holiday. Pete Buttigieg disagrees ... and it has to do with 5G.
· Jun 29, 2023 · NottheBee.com

The Transportation Security Administration says that 4th of July travel will be even bigger than it was before the pandemic, anticipating 2.82 million people will be screened at airports over the coming week.

With the ineptitude of the U.S. transportation secretary for the past few years, can you imagine 2.82 million people thinking they'll have a hope or a prayer of making their flight this holiday season?

Maybe the media will blame it on storms, or maybe they will blame it on staffing shortages.

But Pete Buttigieg wants everyone to know it's his fault.

Why is 5G interfering with planes' Pete Buttigieg's fault?

Remember last year when the airlines panicked after nationwide 5G was activated?

The signal was messing with planes' radar altimeters. There are new altimeters able to negate that effect, but not all the planes were equipped with them, so the FAA asked the cellphone companies to turn the signal back off.

They agreed to roll back 5G to July 1, 2023.

That gave Buttigieg's Transportation Department, which oversees the FAA, over a year to make sure airplanes in the nation were all outfitted with new altimeters.

Did he do that? No.

It is estimated that 20% of domestic planes are lacking the new altimeters due to shortages (also Buttigieg's area).

Did he tell the cellphone companies to delay their 5G rollout again? No.


"There's a real risk of delays or cancellations," Buttigieg said, per The Journal. "This represents one of the biggest — probably the biggest — foreseeable problem affecting performance this summer."

Translation: Hope you find camping in airports fun.

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