This really happened.
A Minnesota middle school teacher taught a lesson on "different types of oppression" and then had her students separate into "Privileged Groups" and "Targeted Groups" based on their group identities — race, sex, religion, sexual orientation, and place of birth.
Here are the class documents obtained by the Blaze from the lesson taught by Odelis Anderson, choir teacher (yes a choir teacher did this) at Sunrise Park Middle School in White Bear Lake, MN:
"Today we will look at different types of oppression, and whether each of us is in the privileged group or the targeted group."
Unbelievable! Teaching this destructive Marxist group-identity-worship to 11-year-olds!
Here is Miss Anderson's LinkedIn profile, which is predictably and vapidly woke:
White Bear Lake Area Schools actually defended the intersectional madness as a "social-emotional lesson." I would call it more of a "neo-Marxist lesson."
"It is our responsibility to ensure that each of our students' needs are being met," added Superintendent Wayne Kazmierczak in a statement. "We know from listening to our students that our continued and sustained commitment to educational equity is a critical part of how we achieve our stated district mission and close gaps that currently exist in our student outcome measures."
Oh, by the way, this district is 90% white. So was this really supposed to be a "lesson," or more of a "Woko Haram brow-beating"?
Pay attention to what's being taught in your kids' schools, ladies and gents.
Pay attention, pay attention, pay attention.