A CDC-supported bio lab in Sudan with dangerous viruses was just seized by militants
· Apr 26, 2023 · NottheBee.com

Well, let's just check in on war-torn Sudan right now and see what's happening there, shall we?




Just as we are finally getting everyone past the last pandemic, this happens.

The World Health Organization is sounding the alarm over a "high risk of biological hazard" after one of two warring factions in Sudan captured a laboratory containing deadly viruses...

Among the various hazardous materials stored on-site are the pathogens the cause measles, polio, and cholera.

If there's one thing we learned in Covid it's that this lab doesn't just have those live viruses. No, they likely have SUPER-Polio and MEGA-Measles!

I wonder what super virus is about to sweep the world now?

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