A British museum gave out crayons to little kids and you can probably guess what happened next
· Apr 25, 2023 · NottheBee.com

A 200-year-old statue, "The Sabrina" by 18th-century sculptor John Bacon, was recently found covered in bright blue crayon scribbles after children were given activity packs with crayons.


The National Trust, which manages the historic site, refuses to say.

According to the New York Times,

The National Trust... said it did not know how the marks came to be or if they came from crayons that were handed out at the site.

The statue has since been cleaned and the public can once again bask in the naked beauty of the 18th-century sculpture, sans the blue clothing a young child was obviously trying to give her.

While the National Trust didn't divulge their relic cleaning secrets, any mom can tell you that a magic eraser is the perfect solution to crayon on unexpected surfaces. Thankfully the vandal didn't use anything tougher.

A rookie mistake on the museum's part, but what parent hasn't made the mistake of leaving a child unattended in the presence of a writing utensil? It's a miracle the statue has made it this long.

The National Trust said in a statement,

Disappointing as they are, incidents like this are very rare considering the millions of visitors who enjoy and respect the places in our care.

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