Kendal Crawford and Shaun Stephens-Whale were thinking about adopting a dog, but when they visited the adoption agency, they met a pair of rats named Kuzko and Kronk and couldn't help but to adopt them instead.
The couple was amazed at how social the animals were, and how quickly they learned to do tricks, but things really kicked off when Crawford's dad showed up with two tiny electric cars he built specifically for the rats.
No, the cars weren't for Kuzko and Kronk to simply play with.
They would eventually learn to drive them!
Watch these little guys go:

At first, Kendal and Shaun didn't think it was possible for the rats to learn to drive, but Kuzko and Kronk figured out the forward pedal on day one. They would master the left and right pedals quickly thereafter, and now they can maneuver around pretty well as you can see above.
'Their ability to conceptualize where they are just as humans do when they're driving is pretty incredible,' Shaun says.
Believe it or not, it doesn't surprise me that they learned so quickly.
Not long ago there was a study that showed how rats can learn to drive. In fact, I assume this where Crawford's dad came up with the idea for the little cars, as the designs are very similar.
Pretty amazing, right?!?
Okay, so now that we're done teaching rats how to drive, maybe we could train some humans on the subject as well ...
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇