Alyssa, an 11-year-old Florida girl is crediting "Law & Order: SVU" for helping her escape a kidnapping attempt and catch the perp earlier this week. The terrifying situation was caught on video and shows a white van pass her, drive away, and then come back a minute later. The driver jumps out and runs at the child while pulling out a knife. She grabbed her backpack and tried to flee, but the man put her in a headlock and dragged her toward his van. Alyssa struggled, but managed to kick at his legs which caused him to fall to the ground. Once she was able to break free she ran back to her house.
Amber Bonal, 30, told told the Pensacola News Journal that her daughter, Alyssa, was playing with blue slime while waiting for her bus on Tuesday when she saw a man running toward her.
"Her first words were, ‘Somebody tried to kidnap me! He grabbed me by my throat and he had a knife!'" Bonal told the news outlet. "She said she was able to kick and she tripped him and freed herself."
Alyssa told her mother that her first thought was to leave some sort of evidence behind, like on "Law & Order: SVU," saying:
"I was able to get the slime onto his upper arm and a little bit on his lower arm, I knew that might be better evidence if the cops do find him."
After a massive manhunt, Escambia County detectives arrested Jared Paul Stanga for charges of attempted kidnapping, battery and assault. Sheriff Chip Simmons said his arms were still streaked with blue dye.

Prosecutors said the evidence against Stanga is very strong. In addition to the blue dye, Stanga had painted the bumper of his van black, in an attempt to hide it from the police bulletin posted describing his silver bumper. He also texted his boss saying he would be late because he had to take his child to school — even though the child is attending school online.
Way to go Alyssa! Such a tough kid. Truly a miracle she was able to escape and had the presence of mind to help catch the bad guy.