Texas college allegedly fires professor for accurately stating that sex is determined by X and Y chromosomes
· Jun 27, 2023 · NottheBee.com

I am starting to get the vague, sneaking, unsettling feeling that the transgender movement is just a liiitle teeny weeny bit anti-science:

A Texas community college fired one of its biology professors for teaching his students that sex was determined by X and Y chromosomes, according to a new report.

First Liberty Institute, a law firm that defends religious liberty for Americans, sent a letter to St. Philip's College in San Antonio on behalf of the professor, Dr. Johnson Varkey, demanding the institution reinstate him after he was fired in January 2023.

I guess it shows how far we've come that a religious liberty institute has to stick up for the professors fired for teaching rock-bottom basic scientific facts. General civil rights groups like the ACLU won't touch this stuff.

For 20 years Professor Varkey has been teaching, correctly, that human sex is determined by chromosomes. For all of that time nobody has cared. Because, you know, it's true. It's a fact. It is very simple stuff.

Apparently, however, some students got upset and "walked out of his class" when he relayed this factual statement last November. The college then reportedly canned him.

The students accused him of proselytizing his class based on his religious beliefs. The First Liberty institute argues that Varkey "never discussed with any student his personal views — religious or otherwise — on human gender or sexuality."

The school "violated Dr. Varkey's constitutional and statutory rights when it fired him, and it must reinstate him immediately," the institute claims.

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