A former ESPN broadcaster was thrown from a moving RV into oncoming traffic and SURVIVED! A dash cam caught the whole thing.
ยท Jan 19, 2024 ยท NottheBee.com

Cordell Patrick is lucky to be alive today after he was thrown from his RV when his wife fell asleep behind the wheel:

Patrick sustained multiple injuries including broken bones, a dislocated shoulder, and lacerations. But he's still in one piece, somehow.

He credits God for his survival.

Yeah, it was divine intervention ... If you didn't think there was a higher power before this something is wrong with you, because there is. Because I am a living witness and I've got a living testimony to tell.

Good on Patrick for taking this awful circumstance and using it to give glory to God.

(Still might want to give his wife some coffee next time she's driving though!)

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