A Japanese man spent $20,000 building a freakishly realistic border collie costume and the results are, uhh, extremely weird
ยท Jul 29, 2023 ยท NottheBee.com

This strange man was so preoccupied with whether or not he could do this that he apparently never stopped to think if he should:

A Japanese man who spent more than $20,000 to become a dog has finally taken his first walk and immediately made some canine friends.

Known only as Toco, the man spent two million Yen (A$22,000) on a hyperrealistic border collie costume to fulfil his lifelong dream of "becoming an animal".

That's quite a "lifelong dream." Lots of kids hold hopes of being astronauts or firefighters. Our man Toco here wanted to be a dog. Okay then.

And how is it working out for him? You be the judge:

This dude spent 20 grand and at best he looks like a creepy nightmare dog with arthritis:

The other dogs were not having it:

Toco, meanwhile, has never been shy about his ultimate ambition:

"I remember writing in my grade school graduation book that I wanted to be a dog and walk outside."

Well, uh, congratulations, bud, you finally fulfilled your dream. Good boy, I guess.

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