Man arrested for ripping arms off statue of Christ outside Boston cathedral. Watch the video.
· Oct 26, 2023 ·

Police in Boston have arrested a man who vandalized a Catholic cathedral Tuesday night, tearing both arms off a crucifix statue of Jesus Christ.

Watch the video here:

Here's the aftermath of the crime:

Michael Patzelt, 37, of Attleboro, was arrested last night and will be arraigned in Boston Municipal Court on assault and malicious destruction of property according to Boston PD.

Patzeltz knocked the head covering off of a woman on the street, then climbed onto the statue outside of The Cathedral of the Holy Cross - the largest cathedral in New England - and began swinging back and forth and ended up breaking the arms of the statue as well as causing other damage before police arrived at the scene.

The Archdiocese said,

I have no information regarding why someone would take such an action.

Those of us paying attention to society's decline into madness might have a few ideas.

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