A new species of critter was just discovered in Los Angeles parks. It has nearly 500 legs and a "Predator-style head"
· Jul 15, 2023 · NottheBee.com

You didn't need another reason to not visit Los Angeles but you got one:

A previously unknown species has been discovered lurking in the parks of Los Angeles and Orange counties.

The animal boasts 486 legs and a toothy, Predator-style head. It has the greenish translucence of a glow-in-the-dark toy in daylight, and weaves through the soil as elegantly as an embroiderer's needle.

The only rational response to finding such a thing, of course:

Well, I guess it's not that bad. This thing is actually microscopic. It's not going to eat you. Maybe. I'm not sure.

The new animal, a millipede, was discovered by naturalists who happened to stumble across it in Whiting Ranch Wilderness Park on the outskirts of the city. They posted the finding to a science app; a Virginia scientist was intrigued and ventured out to the site on a subsequent visit to Los Angeles.

DNA analysis eventually confirmed that this little guy is a new species. Scientists apparently kind of geek out over millipedes like this; as one put it:

"I kind of think about them as the little garbagemen of the forest. "They just kind of truck around, eat detritus, poop it out, and it's soil."

Imagine how proud that little guy must feel hearing that!

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