A pregnant white nurse was suspended from her job because a group of black men decided to smear her as a racist thief after stealing her rental bike
· May 19, 2023 · NottheBee.com

If you read this headline from NBC what would you assume this story was all about?

Well, obviously, you'd think some unreasonable Karen tried to steal a rental bike from a group of black guys because she's a racist white supremacist.

But you can't just take these headlines at face value.

What if I told you that, as a matter of fact, this six-month-pregnant nurse rented the bike herself to get home after her 12-hour shift then a group of black men ganged up on her and recorded her to post online, accusing her of being racist, all in an attempt to ruin her life?

Well, apparently, that's what actually happened.

THIS is systemic racism. It exists. The system is the media and the establishment and in today's world, it's always assumed that the white person is the racist.

The original video, posted days ago, went viral with millions of views. The poster claimed that the visibly pregnant nurse was racist and weaponized her tears against some innocent black men:

[Warning: Language]

The lady provided receipts through her lawyer PROVING it was her bike.

But she was placed on leave and had her life ruined by the mainstream media that are STILL treating her as a racist.

Like I said, this is where the systemic racism exists today in America. These black men picked on this woman and used the racist and sexist slur "Karen" against her in order to slander her for internet fame.

Because this is New York City, these men won't get in any trouble. The only prosecutable crime in NYC is protecting people from a dangerous lunatic on the subway.

This woman needs to sue the crap out of Benjamin Crump and all the other lying race-baiters in the media. go full Covington Catholic on them!

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