You might think this is another segment of The Babylon Bee's viral "Californians Move To Texas" series or something, but no, this is real.
So, here's a quick summary of the story: A gay real estate broker in Dallas is helping gay people sell their homes in Texas and move to blue states.
You know, just like Harriet Tubman!
(These people aren't exactly history buffs.)
When someone goes to the website [LOL], a message reads, "As LGBTQIA+ citizens in Red States, many of us feel at risk. Current laws are highly discriminatory against trans youth and their families. Our marriages, our families, and even our safety are at risk. If you feel the need to leave the jurisdiction of a Red State, let us help you sell your property here and connect with you an LGBTQIA+ or ally agent in a better location of your choice. We are licensed in Texas and we have affiliates in all 50 states and several countries." People can share their contact information to create an account and start the process of connecting with a real estate expert.
Ahh yes, you see, in some states, you can't groom kids, chop off their privates, or make young girls stay in a locker room and watch a dude get naked.
The LGBT crowd thinks this is similar to how the American chattel slavery system forced black people to work in the fields to the point of death.

"We're calling it kind of the ‘rainbow Underground Railroad,'" McCranie said. "We're trying to get people out quietly and get them to someplace where they feel safer."
Here's a picture of the actual Rainbow Road:
Imagine moving from Texas to a state like California or New York. Now imagine moving there with the belief that life is going to be better and more free.
Now imagine believing that fleeing from a state like Texas is the modern-day equivalent to helping slaves escape captivity. That's three levels of delusion!

It's absolutely insane!
There's no fugitive gay act in the United States.
But there is a silver lining: Most of these red states will be happy to see Democrat voters leave.