Flash Shelton found his calling in life after his father passed away in 2019 and squatters took over his parents' house in northern California.
They broke in the back door, added a bunch of cheap furniture, and started living there rent-free.
Shelton called the police, but, in what is now a common story in the blue states who love lawlessness, the police told Shelton that the matter was a civil issue that he'd have to solve in the courts.
Squatters have "rights."
Shelton didn't take that answer lying down.
No, no, not like that.
He watched the house and waited, and one day when all the squatters were out of the house at the same time, he moved in.
If possession was now the law of the land, he just needed to squat in the squatter's house.
He got his mom to sign a lease with him for the property. He quickly changed the locks and set up surveillance cameras. When the squatters arrived, Shelton showed them the lease. He wasn't the owner. It wasn't an eviction. He just lived there. He got people to help move all their stuff out.
If they didn't like it, they could call the cops.

The former squatters protested, but it was a civil matter now.
There was a new squatter in the house.
And squatters have rights.

After he got his mom's house back, Shelton decided this could work for a lot of people having an issue with squatters, so he started a business called Squatter Hunters, who will professionally squat in a house overrun with squatters until the owners can secure it.
He charges $5,000 to $20,000 per house, depending on the circumstances, but considering most squatters' rights cases end up costing the home owners over $100,000 in attorneys' fees and court costs, that's not bad.
His latest exploit was recently featured on Inside Edition.
How is this guy able to get rid of squatters so easily, while the courts and police seem to have their hands tied?
That's the question of the hour, my friends.
There's a chance that California will outlaw the loophole he's discovered rather than support any kind of real justice, but for now, you have to applaud Shelton's brilliance.

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