Hell hath no fury like a disgruntled ex-employer who is angry you quit your job.
Such was the case for Andreas Flaten from Georgia, who quit his job in November and was told his last paycheck would be sent to him.
When it never arrived, he contacted the labor department. A few days later, the money showed up as 500 pounds of pennies covered in oily goo: $915 worth.
The media asked the ex-employer if he had delivered the pennies and this was his insanely passive aggressive response:
"I know tons about it. What's wrong with it? ...I don't know if I did that or not, I don't really remember. It doesn't matter. He got paid, that's all that matters. He's a [flowerbedding] weenie for even bringing it up."

What an absolutely savage and psychopathic reply!
Other employees reportedly quit because of this dude's shenanigans.
Andreas is storing the haul in his garage, where he's trying to clean the pennies before cashing them in.
"I have nowhere to put them," he said. "I had no idea what I was going to do: like how do I get money from pennies?"
Well, Andreas, let me explain to you how pennies actually are money, even though they practically serve no purpose with the modern valuation of the dollar!

I'd love to be at the bank when this dude brings in that haul.