Absolute Insanity! San Francisco Plans To Require Vaccinations For Children Age 5-11 To Go Into Public Areas
· Nov 3, 2021 · NottheBee.com

This is just absolutely unbelievable, but San Francisco is planning to expand its already insane vaccine passport policy for public places to make it include CHILDREN AGED 5-11!

Watch as the San Francisco Department of Public Health shares their plans in a public town hall to begin implementing this demented policy in around 8 weeks.




This literally means that children as young as KINDERGARTEN will have to show proof of vaccination to go into a store with their mom. They can't sit in a restaurant and enjoy a kids meal without showing their papers.

What has happened to humanity?

All for a disease that is not particularly dangerous to children.

The CDC, which is the most big-government pro-vaccine organization there is does not AT ALL recommend this sort of policy for children,

It could be very dangerous. More dangerous than Covid.

But, I guess the public "health" officials in Frisco don't care.

It's totally embarrassing and completely frustrating.

This is utterly insane. It is shameful.

Kids don't need to show papers to go anywhere. What country are we living in? How can people go along with this injustice?

We are in an absolute clown world, and it's no shock that San Francisco would be leading the charge.

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