Admiral Rachel Levine defends puberty blockers and transition for minors: "What if you're going through the WRONG PUBERTY?"
· Jul 18, 2023 ·

Admiral Rachel (Richard) Levine continues to make himself the center of attention on the entire "trans" health debate and this statement from the HHS secretary really takes the cake.

Here's the "expert" you're supposed to trust:

The interviewer presents the reasonable (yet, really still insane) moderate position of making people wait till they're adults before making irreversible, life-altering medical decisions, and here's how Richard replies:

Adolescense is hard and puberty is hard. What if you're going through the wrong puberty? What if you, inside, feel that you are a female but now you're going through a male puberty?

The adults are back in charge everyone! No more mean tweets!

Yes, it is the contention of one of the country's top health officials that kids can go through the WRONG puberty by allowing nature to take its course.

Of course, while Levine is happy to push this policy for kids, he himself has in the past contradicted this point.


Anyways, he's demanding that kids be able to make the mistake he wasn't allowed to make, because we used to live in a sane world, and permanently disfigure and sterilize themselves because of their confusion.

(Confusion which is often planted in children by people in authority like Levine.)

Ladies and gentlemen, your government in 2023.

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