During these times of intense winter storm activity, we all know what it's like to look out the window and see the bleak, relentless wall of ice closing in.

But don't despair! Since it's bitterly cold outside and you're not going anywhere anyway, now's the time to settle in, pop on a good movie, and make yourself a steaming cup of hot chocolate.

Um, no. I'm not talking about that thin, watery, powdery stuff you get from the crinkly packet. Forget about that. A much, much better world of cocoa awaits you, and with minimal effort. Here's the recipe for you:
- In a saucepan, combine two tablespoons of cocoa powder, two tablespoons white sugar, and five tablespoons milk. Whisk them together until mostly smooth; it's okay if there are some lumps of cocoa left in there.
- Heat on medium heat until thickened and bubbly. This is your hot chocolate base. You've homogenized the cocoa and the sugar into a smooth, rich syrup, and by cooking it you've also greatly deepened the flavor.
- Add milk to taste. This is up to you. If you like a much richer cocoa, add not too much milk. If you want a thinner, more mellow cocoa, add more milk. In general, two cups is a pleasant balance. (Note: Some chefs will insist on using canned condensed milk; this is a nice touch but not necessary.)
And that's it! Make this for your friends and family and watch as they guzzle in delight!