Nathan Kirk from Blount County, Alabama had his personalized car tag recalled for being "objectionable."
The tag was a "Don't Tread On Me" Gadsden flag customized with the letters "LGBFJB."
The LGB stands for "Let's Go Brandon." The FJB stands for... something else.
A Blount County man who personalized his license plate with the acronym LGBFJB, a Don't Tread on Me image, and the words "Let's go Brandon," a phrase popularly associated with a vulgar insult against Joe Biden, has been told by the State of Alabama he must change the plate name or lose his vehicle registration.
Nathan Kirk, the owner of Blount County Tactical, a gun store in Oneonta, is considering taking legal action on First Amendment grounds to keep the license plate name.
"Nothing about it is right," he said of the letter he received from the Alabama Department of Revenue Friday.
"Someone at Montgomery, I'm assuming, doesn't like it, and now they're throwing a fit."
So, some liberal in the state capital doesn't like that this guy isn't a fan of Joe Biden, so they are threatening to take away his vehicle registration.
Obviously, yeah, it's a somewhat vulgar expression.
But the line being drawn is purely political.
Kirk told that because his license plate contains an acronym and does not contain a vulgar word, its meaning is a matter of interpretation, and it should not be revoked.
"I say 'forget,' instead of the other word," he said referring to the popular anti-Biden phrase.
Driving a car that is not registered comes with a fine of $500 for a first offense and $1,000 for a second offense, the department's letter stated.
"An appeal concerning the denial of the issuance or renewal of a license plate shall be made with the circuit court of the county where the motor vehicle is registered," it said.
"My point is, it's letters," Kirk said about the plate, which he ordered in October. "It could be my kid's initials. It could be my grandmother or grandfather. It's just letters. It doesn't spell anything."
The bureaucrat demanding he turn in his license plate is reading politics into something that's not necessarily political.
A lot of people wouldn't even know what it means.
But, yeah, we all know what it means. 😂
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