Maybe I "trust the science" too much, but absolutely none of this sounds like a good idea.
A 71-year-old diabetic woman, Danielle Carr-Gomm, in Britain died after she forsook taking insulin to instead participate in "slapping therapy" which, yes, is exactly what it sounds like.
A lady decided to go to a "slap yourself" workshop to cure her diabetes and went four days without insulin, ending up writhing in pain, screaming, and dying while the leader of the workshop didn't provide any real medical help.
[Hongchi] Xiao, of Cloudbreak, California, promoted paida lajin therapy, getting patients to slap themselves repeatedly to release 'poisonous waste' from the body. The technique has its roots in Chinese medicine, but critics say it has no scientific basis and patients often end up with bruises, bleeding -- or worse.
It's like this guy took the idea of smacking the back of the TV to get it to work right -- remember those days? -- and applied it to medicine.
And he really got these people to just slap themselves, for days, instead of taking their medicine.
Xiao lives in California, but this workshop was in London and he actually had to be extradited out of Australia to bring the case. Xiao's slapping therapy also resulted in the death of a six-year-old boy in Australia who was not given insulin during one of the workshops. Xiao was serving a sentence for manslaughter in Australia when the British case came to court.
(He's like a traveling witch doctor that leaves a trail of bodies in his wake.)
[Judge] Bright said Xiao only made a 'token effort' to get Carr-Gomm to take her insulin once it was too late and had shown no sign of remorse as he continued to promote paida lajin in prison.
Tragically, Carr-Gromm died believing that the therapy was working. She even recorded a positive video review for Xiao. When she started showing symptoms of sickness the other participants in the workshop were told, and believed, that it was a "healing crisis."
Xiao has been sentenced to 10 years in prison after being convicted of manslaughter.
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