BEE PROPHECY FULFILLED: Migrants Flee Back To South America After Realizing The American Dream Doesn't Exist Anymore
· Nov 13, 2023 ·

20 months ago, The Babylon Bee published this satire article:

On Monday, the New York Post published this real news article:

Folks, it's becoming eerily simple to predict the future.

Let's take a look at what's happening in this absolutely real news story which was once satire.

Some Venezuelan migrants who trekked thousands of miles to the US in search of a better life are so disheartened they say they're already heading back home.

Michael Castejon, 39, told the Chicago Tribune he has had enough after he, his wife and teenage stepdaughter spent five months sleeping either in a police precinct or a crowded city shelter in the now-brutally cold Windy City.

He's also been unable to secure a job permit or enroll his daughter in a local school — two of the main reasons things they thought would bring a better life in the US.

"The American Dream doesn't exist anymore," Castejon told the paper on the eve of his family's departure.

"There's nothing here for us … We just want to be home," Castejon told the Tribune of the South American country he earlier fled.

Bro, that actually reads like a Bee article. Very dry, but it sounds like legit satire from two years ago. This world is crazy, man.

More from the non-satirical New York Post:

Fed up with the lack of housing and job opportunities, Castejon eventually followed in the footsteps of other disillusioned asylum seekers and turned to Catholic Charities to obtain plane tickets for his family to travel to Texas. From there, they will somehow find a way to return to their native Venezuela, he said.

"How many more months of living in the streets will it take? No, no more. It's better that I leave," he said.

"At least I have my mother back home," he said of the South American nation he fled earlier this year.

So it's better to live in the socialist dystopia of Venezuela than it is to live in Chicago. Good to know.

Of course, Chicago complains that the federal government hasn't done enough to help them with their migrant crisis, which begs the question: Why did you decide to be a sanctuary city in the first place? Did you not think it would be costly? Did you not think your resources would run out? Did you not think at all?

Maybe next time you should read The Babylon Bee before following through with dumb decisions like becoming a sanctuary city.

It seems they know more about these things than you ever will.

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