AOC just admitted why the Dems want to federalize election law so badly
· Jun 14, 2021 ·

Welp, here's AOC being honest with us about the goals of leftists:

Okay, you say, but that's the Republican media wing using a soundbite to attack an opponent.

Well, here's the wider context, where CNN host Dana Bash outright badgered the fresh-faced representative from New York into stating if she believes Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer should retire:

Let's break this down:

  • Leftists want Justice Breyer to resign because he's an old-school liberal who might occasionally stand up for the Constitution. They want RBG 2.0 on the bench: someone who will always toe the party line no matter what. It was important for the propaganda complex formerly known as the media that socialist AOC support said retirement. See the articles they have written here, here, and here to try to sway public opinion into pressuring Breyer.
  • AOC talked about H.R. 1, the proposal that would federalize election law, taking power away from the states to determine their own electoral process and make sure that the party in power on Capitol Hill (Read: Democrats] will be able to referee their own game from now on.
  • Within this context, AOC said they "cannot rely solely on a wish of winning elections" in order to maintain power. The Dems need the Supreme Court to now act as a lawmaker, forcing people to obey their will. She mentioned the oPpResSiVe voting laws in places like Georgia as an excuse, but as established many times before, her opposition to such election integrity laws have nothing to do with racism and everything to do with ensuring Democratic victory forever.

But like I said, at least she's honest about her desire to turn America into a banana republic. She'll let you little people continue to think your vote makes a difference, but the grownups like her in D.C. have to take control of things now.

After all, it's for your own good!

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