I tell you, reading this headline, your first thought might be: "Hey, maybe she's not so bad after all!"
...until you learn that, yes, she is indeed so bad, after all:
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.) was the only House Democrat to vote against a $1.7 trillion omnibus spending package on Friday, voting "no" on the measure because of increased funding for defense and federal agencies that oversee immigration. ...
In a statement Friday afternoon, Ocasio-Cortez said she was concerned about funding in the bill for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), in addition to the $858 billion in defense spending.
"I campaigned on a promise to my constituents: to oppose additional expansion and funding for ICE and DHS — particularly in the absence of long-overdue immigration reform. For that reason, as well as the dramatic increase in defense spending which exceeds even President Biden's request, I voted no on today's omnibus bill," Ocasio-Cortez said.
Sooo if I'm reading this right, AOC was pretty much okey-dokey with this bank-busting, debt-driving, deficit-exploding pork-barrel monstrosity of a bill except for the fact that it gave a very small portion of the money to the agencies tasked with shoring up our completely unsecure border.
Did I get that right?

And just how much did the agencies get from the overall spending bill?
The appropriations bill passed by Congress includes $8.42 billion for ICE, which is $161.1 million more than what was enacted in 2022 and $319.4 million more than what the president requested.
DHS received $86.5 billion in discretionary resources.
Uh huh. So she took a principled stand over about $95 billion out of a gargantuan $1.7 trillion bill — said $95 billion meant to help shore up our dangerously unpoliced national border.
Quite a gem New York has in that congresswoman there!