Guys, sometimes I think that moral relativism is going to run its course, then I see mainstream outlets post crap like this and, well, I think there's no bottom to it.
Researchers found a grave full of boys, babies, toddlers, kids, and they don't want us to judge the morality of their actions. This is the first time such a grave was found (normally young girls were sacrificed). And here's how the discoverers want you to think of it.
Barquera (author of paper on new discovery) acknowledged that it could be jarring to realize the remains at the site belonged to ‘kids, and that they were sacrificed.'
‘But we have to bear in mind that death is a completely different concept for Mesoamerican cultures. … Death is not seen as a bad thing. Of course, under our perspective, it's wrong. But back then, and according to their myths and their beliefs, what they were doing was considered correct, so we cannot judge what they did under our modern point of view.'
Me when some nerd tells me not to judge barbaric cultures:

I'm sorry, I'm gonna go ahead and judge.
I wonder if this same loser would apply this principle to, say, Christopher Columbus or the other Spanish colonists who were only doing what was right by their own culture when they conquered the Americas, stopping child sacrifice?
I'm guessing not.
Of course, the researchers are also excited because, well, I'll just let you read this because it's so bizarre.
Barquera said the Tixcacaltuyub residents were ‘really happy' to hear of their link to the site and said they believed the findings would help them to better communicate with tourists and open conversations about equality.
‘You know, you go to these archaeological places, you praise the people that built these amazing structures, and then you get out of the archaeological site and you treat Indigenous people in a bad way,' he said.
‘And now they feel this is a way to tell people, "Look, we are the same, so why are you excluding us from important conversations, for example health and education, if we are the same people?"' he added.
Translation: "Hey, the people who live in these nearby cities now are descended from the brutal child killers of the past. Put some respect on their name!"
What a legacy.
And it's the COLONIZERS who should be shamed?
I'm just saying that maybe it's okay to judge other cultures based on modern standards. Or, better yet, biblical standards like, "Don't sacrifice your children."
I think following biblical principles like "thou shalt not kill" is objectively better.
Call me crazy.
But, hey, at least these ancient cultures aren't as sexist as previously thought!
'Early 20th century accounts falsely popularized lurid tales of young women and girls being sacrificed at the site,' Christina Warinner, a co-author of the report and professor of anthropology at Harvard University, said in a statement. 'This study, conducted as a close international collaboration, turns that story on its head and reveals the deep connections between ritual sacrifice and the cycles of human death and rebirth described in sacred Maya texts.'
Translation: "I mean, yeah, they were sacrificing children to pagan deities, but they weren't nearly as sexist as Christopher Columbus!"
These are the top academics and the most important journalistic institutions in our country.
Just so you know how bad things are.
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