Here is an update on the Arizona preacher who was shot in the head while sharing the Gospel
· Dec 21, 2023 ·

More than a month ago, we told you the story of Hans Schmidt who was shot in the head while standing on a street corner preaching in Glendale, Arizona.

At that time, Hans was in critical condition after miraculously surviving the assassination attempt.

Hans is still a long way from recovery, but he is making progress.

The Christian Post shared an exclusive interview with Schmidt's fellow pastor who is asking for your prayers.

"Primarily pray for Hans' full and complete recovery and that he can be rejoined with his wife and kids again at home. Please pray there are no long-lasting side effects from his injury," he added.

"We are believing that God's going to raise him up, put him back up on his feet, and he can then go back to doing what he loved to do the most, which was winning souls for Jesus Christ."

Schmidt works at Victory Chapel First Phoenix as the outreach director and has a heart for evangelism. He was evangelizing Glendale when a still-unidentified shooter drove up to him on the side of the street and shot him in the head.

Police have even released video of the shooting incident, but still, no arrests have been made.

"In the video, you can see Schmidt is on the street corner, you see a lot of cars driving by, a lot of people in the area, but it doesn't seem like anybody else is reacting to what happened. He gets back up, picks up his belongings, but we do not see anybody else driving by that seemed like something ordinary is going on," says Glendale Police Sgt. Randy Stewart.

Yeah! The man was shot in the head, fell over, got up, packed his stuff up, then left the scene. He was driven to the hospital and while at the hospital had a seizure from the blood on his brain. Hospital staff didn't even know he had been shot until he had a seizure.

No witnesses have come forward, even with a $10,000 reward.

Last week, Schmidt's wife, Zulya, shared that her husband is "making progress" in the hospital, but there is still a "long road ahead."

"The fact he is here is a miracle in itself. Hans is fighting and working really hard every day," Zulya Schmidt stated in a social media post.

This church and community could use all of our prayers.

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