Seattle's leaders are apparently on the verge of doing what hundreds of anarcho-communist antifa protesters tried and failed to do last year:
Already facing a staffing crisis, the Seattle Police Department is bracing for the possibility that hundreds of officers will fail to meet an Oct. 18 vaccination deadline.
As of Oct. 6, 292 sworn personnel had yet to provide proof of a COVID-19 vaccination. That number is down from 354 on Tuesday.
To add another layer of concern, Seattle PD Spokesperson Sgt. Randy Huserik confirmed to FOX 13 News that there are an additional 111 officers awaiting results of exemption requests. Those 111 are not counted in the 292 figure – meaning if their accommodations are denied, the actual number of unvaccinated officers could be as high as 403.
So, in case it's not clear: After months and months of calls to "defund the police"—with Seattle at times being at the epicenter of anti-police activism—city leaders are prepared to go ahead and cripple their police force anyway.
Seattle only has about 1,400 police officers all told. They're set to lose as much as 30% of their entire force.
What do you think would be worse for Seattle: To have a few hundred unvaccinated police officers, or to reduce its police force in the city by a full third? Sadly, we may find out in the coming weeks.

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