Rona Wang, a 24-year-old Asian American graduate student at MIT turned to an AI called Playground AI to help her make a professional photo for Linkedin bio.
She uploaded her photo and entered the prompt: "Give the girl from the original photo a professional LinkedIn profile photo."
These were the results:
Yes, the AI thought she would look more professional as a white girl with lighter skin and big blue eyes.
"My initial reaction upon seeing the result was amusement," Wang told Insider. "However, I'm glad to see that this has catalyzed a larger conversation around AI bias and who is or isn't included in this new wave of technology."
She added that "racial bias is a recurring issue in AI tools" and that the results had put her off them. "I haven't gotten any usable results from AI photo generators or editors yet, so I'll have to go without a new LinkedIn profile photo for now!"
Considering AI is trained on the internet, she should be happy it didn't turn her into a white man since that's who the left-wing media thinks has all the professional power. Every other article they publish is about the power of white men.
(One might wonder how the woke programming is affecting the AI...)
But seriously, if AI were really all that great, you might think it would have given her professional clothes for a professional headshot.
The MIT shirt in her dorm just screams "I'll need to work from home and take 6-8 months off every year with pay so I can go protest."