Audit reveals Illinois handed out $5.2 billion in "overpayments" for Covid relief
· Jul 31, 2023 ·

Illinois continues to expose itself as one of the worst-run states in the nation.

The deep blue state, controlled largely by Chicago and the surrounding areas, found in an audit that the state had handed out BILLIONS in Covid money in "overpayments" to people who were lining up for the free money.

Yes, the State of Illinois, by itself gave out an extra $5.2 billion in Covid funds and related unemployment benefits.

At least.

According to the audit, Illinois paid billions in unemployment payments to fraudsters, dead people, or prisoners who are ineligible for unemployment.

Of the $5.2 billion, the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) overpaid by about $2 billion for regular unemployment insurance and by $3.2 billion for federal Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) put in place following the outbreak of COVID.

Illinoisans will now learn their lesson from this and kick all the Democrat bums giving away billions out of office, won't they?

No, Illinois has always been this incompetent and corrupt and shows no signs of changing.

Perhaps most strikingly, IDES sent tens of millions of dollars to jailed and dead people through both regular unemployment insurance and the PUA program. Overall, auditors found that 3,448 people who were incarcerated received 92,811 payments totaling $40.5 million while 10,527 payments totaling $6 million were given to 481 deceased individuals.

Illinois couldn't even bother to check if someone was living before cutting them a check! They were sending free money to prisoners who are already living on the taxpayer dime as it is.

This level of incompetence is truly astounding.

I'd say the Illinois unemployment folks might just be incompetent enough to start working in DC!

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