Officials in California, the dumbest state in the Union, have begun investigating a "hate crime."
The crime? Someone burned a rainbow flag at an elementary school.
I'm not joking, that's the "hate crime."
So, some punk broke into an elementary school and burned a Pride flag inside the school. It didn't set the school on fire or anything like that.
There are so many questions I have about this story, and I am sure that NBC doesn't answer them.
First off, and most obviously, WHAT THE HECK is a Pride flag doing at an elementary school? In what way is it appropriate to promote the rainbow cult religion to little kids 12 and under?
I know, it's California, so I shouldn't be shocked.
Alan Hamilton, a deputy chief with the police department's Valley Bureau, said in a statement Wednesday that the Pride flag was in a potted plant.
"There was a small potted plant that was set on fire on the campus and the plant had a small (4 x 6 inch) PRIDE flag inside the potted plant container. Both the plant and the flag were destroyed by the fire," he said.
Okay, so we're talking about one of these teeny tiny flags that some groomer teacher probably kept in her classroom inconspicuously planted in with one of their plants.
And someone burned it and police are calling it a hate crime.

Next, why is burning a Pride flag considered a "hate crime" while burning the American flag is considered free speech?
What's the difference?
Well, clearly, this person blasphemed the official state religion, "Pride."
And on the eve of this nation's high holy month of Pride!
Of course, the groomers are using this as an excuse to increase their state-sanctioned grooming:
Renato Lira, the director of the San Fernando Valley LGBTQ Center, said that a Pride Day assembly at the school is scheduled for Friday and that the organization is working with school and Los Angeles police to make sure students "are going to be safe going to school and when they're leaving the campus."
You burn their flag? They respond by bringing even more celebration of sexual depravity to school.
There's a mission of conquest and it's normal people who are in the way.
We are going to be in for one heck of a pRiDe MoNth, I can tell.