Don Lemon goes full balloonhead when talking to fellow CNN anchor Chris "Fredo" Cuomo, saying that the left needs to "blow up the entire system"!
The greatest thing about this clip is watching noted fellow balloonhead Chris Cuomo squirm. Even Fredo knows how ridiculous and radical Don Lemon sounds.
Don Lemon, "The Dumbest Man in News", according to Trump, proposes that the United States must get rid of the electoral college. When informed by Cuomo that the move would require a constitutional amendment, Lemon replies that "when Joe Biden gets elected they can stack the courts, do that amendment, and get it passed."

Cuomo still pushes back, rightly saying that the Democrats would have to have 2/3 of Congress pass an amendment and 3/4 of state legislatures to agree to an amendment. The obviously delusional Don Lemon seems to think this is an entirely realistic possibility, causing Fredo to just give up on the cause entirely.
When Chris Cuomo is the voice of calm and reason, you know you are waaay out in left field. It's truly sad to see just how far gone these people are in their Trump Derangement Syndrome.