Bank of America, seemingly out of the blue just days after Trump took office, decided to release a statement.
The bank doth protest too much, methinks!

In case you missed it, Bank of America, despite their protestations, is charged with de-banking conservatives. Officials from over a dozen states have now signed on to a suit alleging as much.
Churches, Christian charities, and conservatives say they have had their accounts closed by Bank of America for transparently political reasons.
Bank of America was additionally in collusion with the Biden DoJ to turn over financial records from individual Americans who made suspicious purchases. They would work to alert the Merrick Garland Justice Department. If you used their debit or credit card to buy a Bible, or to shop at Bass Pro Shop, they would report that (no joke!).
Now it seems they are desperately trying to cover their butts.
Here's Trump calling out BofA to their face, which is what led to this response.
The dude didn't even deny Trump's allegations when he had the chance. He just shrugged it off and let the PR team come up with the above statement.
Erik Prince, a conservative commentator and victim of BofA de-banking, was not going to let BofA get away with it.
This Trump term is different than the last.
Justice and retribution for evil are on the table. Those who de-bank people for their political beliefs, consider yourself on notice.
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