Because there's a writer's strike, all five major late-night hosts have come together to create what promises to be the most insufferable podcast of all time
· Aug 30, 2023 ·

I hate it when I have to report a tragedy, but we can't just ignore the news when we don't like it.

You're a normal person, so you probably didn't realize that there was a writer's strike happening now, meaning that all the late-night TV shows are on an extended hiatus.

But, because they can't go more than five minutes without being the center of attention, the five primary late-night hosts - Jimmy Fallon and Seth Meyers from NBC, Jimmy Kimmel from ABC, Stephen Colbert from CBS, and John Oliver from HBO - have joined forces to inflict ultimate pain into our lives.

I can literally only think of one thing that could make this worse:

Thank the Lord that James Corden is retired.

Yes, let's take the 5 least-funny, most-political flaming libs in late-night television history and put them all on the same podcast.

The verbal diarrhea that will result from this is hard to imagine.

I'd literally rather have an ice pick jammed into each ear than listen to one of these hour-long episodes they're planning to do daily.

Needless to say, they got a ruthless roasting on X (formerly known as Twitter) for this announcement.

I'll keep it to the PG-rated responses, but if you're adventurous, the replies get REALLy brutal when you click through.

And, in my opinion, the best reply comes from the Right's new favorite comedian, Roseanne Barr:

(Brief language in video)

I am not exaggerating. I cannot imagine listening to anything worse.

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