Let's check in on Bernie Sanders.
[Warning: Explicit Sexual Language, Absolute Disrespect of God Almighty]
Yes, this actually happened. Bernie Sanders, the millionaire politician with four homes, is on a nationwide tour to fight "oligarchy" (you can't make it up).
At his stop in Kenosha, Wisconsin, he thought it would be a good idea to invite "transgender" singer Laura Jane Grace (formerly known as Tom Gabel), from the punk rock band Against Me, to sing about God raping him during the opening act.
I'm no political strategist, but dang.
I want you to understand the levels of depravity here while keeping it as PG as possible, so here are more of the lyrics with certain words censored.
[Note: This is still sexually explicit even with words omitted]
Can he [ejaculate] a shotgun blast
And shoot salvation up your [rear end]?
Does he chew [genitals] like bubblegum
And give [sex acts] like a vacuum?
Does his [genital] go deep
So deep it puts an [rear end] to sleep?
Who's the 6 to his 9
And what are his other kinks?
If he grows all the trees
Does he taste every peach?
Is your god [screwing] you and [screwing] me?
I know creation must get lonely
After all he's one and only
And his son was so well hung
I think the big man deserves one
Is that what Bernie Sanders thinks of God the Father and Jesus Christ?
The unfortunate reality (and trend within the modern Democratic Party) is that children were present at this disturbing, X-rated event:
Lest you think Bernie was unaware of the music, here he is explicitly thanking "Laura" for the song:
The Democrat Party truly is the party of degeneracy, child abuse, and … whatever the heck this whole shindig was.

P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇