Biden Administration Is Looking To Pressure Ukraine Into Ceding Territory To Russian Backed Separatists, I Guess To Appease Putin. And I Thought Trump Was The Russian Agent!
· Dec 11, 2021 ·

Back in 2014, a group of pro-Russia separatists took over a small portion of Ukraine. This was right after Russia took Crimea on the Obama-Biden watch. Putin felt emboldened so Russia backed these separatists as they took over another small portion of Ukraine.

The AP is reporting today that the Biden Administration is considering a plan that does nothing to help Ukraine, but would instead give territory to Putin.

Administration officials have suggested that the U.S. will press Ukraine to formally cede a measure of autonomy to eastern Ukrainian lands now controlled by Russia-backed separatists who rose up against Kyiv in 2014. An undefined "special status" for those areas was laid out in an ambiguous, European-brokered peace deal in 2015, but it has never taken hold.

Yep, according to reports, Biden's plan is to pressure Ukraine, our ally, to just give Russia what it wants.

Of course, I don't think it's a good idea to get into a needless war with Russia. However, this level of appeasement will definitely serve to embolden Russia.

This, after years of hearing about Trump being Putin's puppet and a pro-Russia agent.

Trump colluded with Russia! Don't you remember?

And now, less than a year into the Biden Administration it looks like Biden is willing to play ball with Putin, and pressure our allies into giving up their autonomy to the de facto Russian dictator.

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