Biden claims you couldn't buy a cannon when the 2nd Amendment was passed. Washington Post gave him Four Pinocchios for the same lie back in June
ยท Feb 3, 2022 ยท

Here's Joe Biden, today, defending attempts to curtail people's second amendment rights, by making an utterly ridiculous statement.

This doesn't violate anybody's Second Amendment right. There's no violation of a Second Amendment right.

There's no amendment that's absolute.

When the amendment was passed it didn't say anybody could own a gun and any kind of gun and any kind of weapon.

You couldn't buy a cannon when this amendment was passed. So there's no reason you should be able to buy certain assault weapons, but that's another issue.

Yeah, there's a couple of major issues with what Biden is attempting to say here.

First, this is a constitutional interpretation issue, but actually "shall not be infringed" DOES mean that you can buy whatever gun you want. He's wrong on the meaning of the Second Amendment.

Then he uses an example to prove his point. You couldn't own a cannon back then, right?

Nope. Wrong. Heck, you could own a whole lot of cannons on your own private frigate if you wanted!

As a matter of fact, Biden should know this because he made the exact same statement back in June!

And guess what?

The Washington Post gave him 4 Pinocchio's for his falsehood!

And here is, 8 months later, still spewing the same exact lie!

This is from The Hill's story on this back in June:

"Everything in that statement is wrong," David Kopel, research director and Second Amendment project director at the Independence Institute, told the Post, adding that after the Second Amendment was ratified in 1791, "there were no federal laws about the type of gun you could own, and no states limited the kind of gun you could own."

The Second Amendment states that "a well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Biden has made the claim about cannons and the Second Amendment at least once before, the Post noted, telling Wired magazine last year "you weren't allowed to own a cannon during the Revolutionary War as an individual."

"Some readers might think this is a relatively inconsequential flub. But we disagree," fact-checker Glenn Kessler wrote. "Every U.S. president has a responsibility to get American history correct, especially when he's using a supposed history lesson in service of a political objective. The president's push for more gun restrictions is an important part of his political platform, so he undercuts his cause when he cites faux facts."

But I guess Biden is just trying to see how many Pinocchios one guy can get for the same false claim.

It's in his DNA. Even after he's been corrected, he cannot help but to repeat the lie!

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