So you thought there couldn't be a bigger racket than higher education coupled with government loans that dupe teenagers into decades of soul-crippling debt in exchange for useless liberal arts degrees and a drinking problem?
Well, prepare to be proven wrong, cuz Joe Biden basically just tweeted, "hold my beer bong."
That's right. The President-elect is warming up the cash cannons and aiming them squarely at public colleges and universities to provide "free" education for all (unless your parents make more than $125k a year, that is).
That's the deal of a lifetime for parents. Now you don't even have to pay to have your kids radicalized by Marxists!
But, ah, I can already see it in your greedy, capitalist eyes. You're about to ask a dumb question like, "Who's gonna pay for this?"
Didn't you read the tweet? IT'S FREE!
When it's free, nobody pays for it!
Or is it everybody pays for it? 🤔
Nevermind. Best not to overthink it.