Man alive, this did not help Biden or the Democrats.
Last night's big, pre-recorded, "unedited," primetime interview with Clinton ally George Stephanopoulos was so bad for Biden. But unfortunately for the Democrats, it wasn't so bad that he'll be forced to drop out.
These lowlights show one thing: Joe Biden is not okay.
Here's the clip that ABC posted as a teaser to try to entice people to watch. This should be Biden at his best (Spoiler: It probably was).
George: You did come home from Europe 11 or 12 days before the debate, spent 6 days in Camp David. Why wasn't that enough recovery time?
Biden: Because I was sick, I was feeling terrible ... they did a test to see whether or not I had some infection, you know, a virus, I didn't.
Then Biden got into his debate performance and how poorly he did. And how he tried to blame Trump and even Stephanopoulos pushed back and told Biden he was bad from the start, before Trump said a word. Then Biden goes back to the mystery cold.
Now, I've had a man cold before, but not one that knocked me off my feet for a week and then made my brain fall apart AFTER I was recovered.
Here, Biden discusses the possibility of leaving the race after a few Democrats suggest he should:
This is just sad.
Here's Biden saying that he's the guy who shut Putin down!
I'm the guy who shut Putin down! No one thought it could happen!
I, for one, am very glad that Biden has shut Putin down! I guess that means that we can stop sending money to Ukraine, right?
The sad part is, Biden has no idea what he's saying.
This is the funniest part, to me. Biden says he's confident of his win because of his huge crowd size at rallies. Ole George shuts that down.
I don't think you want to play the crowd game. Donald Trump can draw big crowds!
George stops in the middle of the interview to let the president know that he's playing a dangerous game π
You don't wanna get in any crowd size argument with The Donald.
Here's Biden denying that he has a low approval rating. The poor guy doesn't have any idea how much he's hated.
At least Donald Trump would just call them fake polls. Biden is trying to live blissfully unaware of polling realities.
But don't worry, Biden did his "goodest"!
How sad.
Here is Biden refusing to take a competency test, this is a killer for many Dems.
Guys, this was just a disaster. Here's a little bit of the media's reaction which tells you a lot about how they thought the interview went.
These are mega-lefties and they are in panic mode!
It's a long way to November, but I've never seen a panic like this in my life.
P.S. Now check out our latest video π