If you've got a kid under 10, chances are they have watched the Australian cartoon Bluey. Our friends at The Babylon Bee certainly have.
The show has done a great job of showcasing the model of a stable home with loving parents (even a dad who is actually competent!).
The half-hour special of the show that premiered on Sunday was deeply emotional: It had my wife and I tearing up as this family of cartoon dogs prepared to sell their home.
Of course, the fact that Bluey portrays a mom and a dad makes the wokies mad. It needed to be gayer, which is why the wokies were happy this morning about what they thought was a nod to the LGBT cult .
Let me stop you right there so we can talk about language.
If you didn't notice, the Aussies talk differently than us. People often refer to their mom in the plural ("mums").
(I love that The Daily Wire's star investigative journalist who has broken the story on top-level government corruption is commenting on Bluey 😂)
Next, let's turn to context.
The "two mums" comment was inserted in a clip that reminded me of "Kids Say the Darnest Things." All the kids were talking to their teacher about their families and, like kids do, started blurting out painful family secrets.
"My dad doesn't live with my mum and now he's lonely all the time."
"Our mum likes your dad."
The kid who said "mums" started the conversation by referring to his runaway guinea pig.
Speaking of that, let's look at the subtitles.
On my app, the subtitles say "mom's," which is a big difference!!
Is that a fluke on my app? Did the American English auto-subtitles generate "mom's" when it actually was supposed to be the Australian English "mums"? Is it actually an LGBT reference?
I dunno. I can't magically peer into the hearts of the showrunners, writers, and execs. But when I see "Bluey went woke!" on social media, I figured it would be good to whip up an article with the full context for fellow parents who love the show.
It isn't hard, however, to imagine that the "two mums" comment was the result of pressure from the BBC/Disney to be more "inclusive." It's hard to trust media as a parent these days.
The show has never shied away from presenting the realities of failed marriages and strained relationships or different lifestyles while doing so in a way that puts the loving marriage of the main mom and dad at the center. Though it's not a Christian show, you can't help but see the influence of Christian teaching all over it.
That's the biggest reason for me still to be suspicious that Disney signed on as a partner to co-opt it for its own "not-so-secret gay agenda."
I hope that's not the case, but if it is, I'm glad the showrunners are reportedly taking a break after this special.
I'd rather have no Bluey than watch another masterpiece be destroyed by the woke mind virus!
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