Let's all give a big hand to Tennessee for this victory!
Tennessee resident Matt Walsh was instrumental in bringing attention to this issue and now Tennessee is about to become one of the few states to outright ban "gender-affirming" child mutilation surgeries.
The Tennessee General Assembly has voted to pass legislation which bans transgender youth from accessing gender-affirming care.
House lawmakers passed the bill with a 77-16 vote Thursday.
Now THAT is a victory for conservatives, for families, and for sanity!
HB0001/SB0001 is sponsored by Representative William Lamberth and Senator Jack Johnson in their respective chambers. Both Lamberth and Johnson were among the first to respond to a video published by conservative commentator Matt Walsh which showed a portion of a meeting at Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) discussing transgender treatments.
The video -and others subsequent videos tweeted by Walsh were met with statements from multiple state leaders, including Governor Bill Lee who is likely to sign the bill into law. At the time of the video releases in September of last year, Gov. Lee stated "The ‘pediatric transgender clinic' at Vanderbilt University Medical Center raises serious moral, ethical and legal concerns. We should not allow permanent, life-altering decisions that hurt children or policies that suppress religious liberties, all for the purpose of financial gain. We have to protect Tennessee children, and this warrants a thorough investigation." Gov. Lee spoke with FOX 17 News on Thursday morning before the bill's passage, showing his support for the legislation. "Like any piece of legislation I will look at the details when it gets closer to my desk but I'm grateful for the leadership in both houses who have worked to get that done I'm supportive of that for sure."
Tennessee legislators and Governor Lee worked closely with The Daily Wire's star in crafting this legislation.
In all likelihood, this bill will be signed by Governor Lee and trans surgeries for kids will be no more in the great state of Tennessee!
The bill also authorizes a civil cause of action against a healthcare provider or anyone who violates the legislation for 30 years from the date the minor reaches the age of 18.
This will let kids and families take legal action against gender clinics and physicians who perform this butchery called "gender-affirming care."
The bill passed in the Senate last week by a vote of 26-6. Now that it has passed the House and is supported by Gov. Lee, it is expected to go into effect July 1 of this year.

Tennessee also passed a bill in this session that would ban drag and all adult performances with children present.