Popular opinion holds that celebrities have the good life—money, fame, big houses, endless resources.
Still, sometimes—okay, a lot of the time—they can make complete and absolute fools of themselves:
Hollywood superstar Brad Pitt has admitted spending a year on a "foolish" dig for buried treasure — just to realize it was all a ruse to get him to invest in a radar company.
The "Moneyball" star told GQ magazine that he was told gold worth millions of dollars was known to be buried under Château Miraval, his 1,000-acre estate in Provence.
"I got obsessed," Pitt, 58, told the mag.
"Like for a year, this was all I could think about, just the excitement of it all," said the Missouri-raised actor.
I betcha Brad Pitt's neighbors had the time of their lives watching him go bonkers for treasure over on his estate.

But what do you think launched this bizarre obsession? One of the oldest tales in the world, what Stephen King called "the unscrupulous taking cheerful advantage of the unwary:"
Pitt said he even brought radar equipment during his year scouring the vast estate...
He never found any gold — and later realized that the man who told him the initial tall tale had been seeking investments for a radar company.
It's definitely embarrassing though I doubt Brad Pitt is going to miss any mortgage payments over it!

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