BREAKING: Henry Kissinger, former US Secretary of State and top diplomat, dead at 100
ยท Nov 29, 2023 ยท

Reports came out tonight that former Secretary of State for Richard Nixon, Henry Kissinger, has died at the age of 100.

Henry Kissinger, the Holocaust survivor and Harvard professor who became a towering U.S. diplomat, master political manipulator and pop culture icon โ€” loved by admirers and loathed by detractors โ€” has died. He was 100.

He died on Wednesday at his home in Connecticut, according to Kissinger Associates.

Kissinger was a giant in foreign policy and one of America's most famous diplomats in history, being involved in US foreign policy in official and unofficial capacities for more than half a century.

The list of Kissinger's accomplishments is astounding and controversial.

A political giant has been lost.

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