The U.S. and Britain are sending military units to the South American nation of Guyana near the Venezuelan border as we inch closer to yet another international conflict.
The U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) deployed troops and jets to engage in military exercises with the Guyana Defence Force (GDF). The U.S. Embassy to Guyana said,
This exercise builds upon routine engagement and operations to enhance security partnership between the United States and Guyana, and to strengthen regional cooperation.
Britain has also sent the HMS Trent, a River-class offshore patrol vessel, to Georgetown for military exercises.
A Ministry of Defense spokesperson said,
HMS Trent will visit regional ally and Commonwealth partner Guyana later this month as part of a series of engagements in the region during her Atlantic Patrol Task deployment.
In addition, other nations are sending troops and military units to Guyana near the Venezuelan border to conduct military exercises.
You might be asking, what's with everyone suddenly conducting "military exercises" by the Venezuelan border with Guyana?

Well, it turns out that since adopting communism, Venezuela isn't doing so hot.
With an inflation rate of 1588.5%, the nation is quickly becoming insolvent despite having over $14 trillion in untapped natural resources, which they cannot leverage because of their autocratic government.
On the other hand, their neighbor Guyana, still a member of the British commonwealth and the only English-speaking nation in South America, has all of the same natural resources and, thanks to not going full communist, is doing much better economically. Considering the fact that vast oil deposits were just discovered off the coast of Guyana, the nation is about to be even more economically successful.
However, because Marxism is an ideology built 100% on covetousness, Venezuelan president Nicolas Madúro has decided that all the success his neighbor is enjoying should be Venezuela's success.
He ordered a national referendum on whether Venezuela should invade Guyana and take it.

Despite empty polling stations across the nation, more than 10 million ballots were cast in favor of annexing 74% of Guyana‘s land into Venezuela.
It was all very democratic, you see!
Election fraud aside, there's another small problem with Madúro's plan.
The nation of Guyana doesn't want to be annexed into Venezuela.
And you know what that means.

If Guyana hadn't discovered all that oil, who knows if we'd be getting involved, but you know how much the U.S. loves fighting over oil.
At least for now, the two nations have agreed to discuss Venezuela's annexation of Guyana civilly at a neutral location in the Caribbean.
Still, if we do end up in a proxy war with Venezuela, I have to wonder if letting the half million or so fighting-age Venezuelan men across the U.S.'s southern border will work out for us.

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