They told us if we voted for Trump, the American presidency would see a steep and relentless decline in respectability and approval. And they were right!
President Joe Biden receives a negative 38 - 53 percent job approval rating, the lowest score he's received from the American people on his job performance since taking office, according to a Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pea- ack) University national poll of adults released today. In Quinnipiac's last national poll released 3 weeks ago, he received a negative 42 - 50 percent job approval rating.
Ouch. Biden's approval rating is basically getting the ol' Terminator 2 treatment:

As one Quinnipiac analyst put it:
"Battered on trust, doubted on leadership, and challenged on overall competency, President Biden is being hammered on all sides as his approval rating continues its downward slide to a number not seen since the tough scrutiny of the Trump administration."
Ah, okay.
Just think: If Biden mounts another campaign in 2024, he can run on the slogan: