Business Outsider seems like it's trying to get us to dislike Clarence Thomas for [checks notes] "taking aim at OSHA"
· Jul 5, 2024 ·

In their ongoing campaign to slander and delegitimize the most based Supreme Court Justice on the bench, the media is only managing to make Clarence Thomas look even more awesome.

In the latest attack, Business Insider published a piece warning that Thomas is "taking aim" at the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

In a recent dissent, Thomas called OSHA (which authorizes an unaccountable, unelected outside agency to write regulations that apply to every business in the country) unconstitutional.

The agency claims authority to regulate everything from a power lawnmower's design to the level of 'contact between trainers and whales at SeaWorld' ... It would be no less objectionable if Congress gave the Internal Revenue Service authority to impose any tax on a particular person that it deems 'appropriate'

The left-wing meltdown was something to behold, including one person who said without OSHA we'd be in the "dark ages" ... and called for Thomas' death (because of course):

It's a huge win for freedom to see unelected bureaucrats having their power questioned by the highest court in the land.

Deal with it, libs.

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