Canada announces Pride month isn't enough, will now celebrate "Pride Season" from June to September
· Jun 10, 2021 ·

Is this starting to smell like state-sponsored religion to anyone else??

Yes, that is an official Canadian government account. Yes, they have now officially lengthened the sex-and-gender acronym to "LGBTQ2+" because no amount of letters and numbers will ever be enough.

From the Daily Caller:

The Canadian government plans to mark the beginning of "Pride Season" with an annual flag-raising event hosted by the Department of Canadian Heritage in mid-June, the Canadian Department of National Defense announced. The department invited its citizens to submit a video wishing the nation a "Happy Pride Season."

Like I said, state-sponsored religion.

Except instead of moral living, steady homes, and fear of God, this religion promotes excessive and flamboyant sexuality that you must accept if you want your liberties.

On the plus side, at least now Pride literally cometh before the Fall!

Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, and Calgary will all celebrate this government-mandated Wokeism in style. Heck, the Toronto Pride parade alone runs for over 10 days this month.

If you're a Canadian, make sure to make the proper pilgrimages, offer the correct alms, say the correct rainbow prayers, and observe the new rites and sacraments!

Oh, and remember, they'll come for you if you disagree...

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